If You have any queries regarding customer service contact information, please ask in the comment section.

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16 thoughts on “FAQ”

  1. Schönen Guten Tag,
    Ich habe leider in meinem Spiel die falsche Email-Adresse eingetragen für Pay-Pal, Wie kann ich die ändern oder würden sie das machen? Ich freue mich auf eine schnelle Antwort

    MFG Jasmin Friedrich

  2. Hi I am back living in Dublin and am paid up for this year for your bikes but I have forgotten my pin to use the bikes. How can I get a new one?
    My sub. No. Is 373874

  3. I want to ask if your company let your client to pay thru gcash? And is there name:ANA LIZA BARRIENTOS..I receive a mail coming from your company name..asking me to send first the amount of 10,000php inorder to deliver my package at my address. And they ask me to send the payment thru gcash…

  4. I received order number 107836378- I need an exchange as the foundation is too heavy and still too yellow on my skin.

  5. I sent in my warranty registration for Dryer EDV705HQWA Serial NO: 14531078 0n 7 May and have not heard from you. Can I have a confirmation of receipt . MY HP 945623797 Thanks.

  6. Kindly help me how to appeal for the hirer which i had wrong furnish it particular. Can have the email address .
    So that i can re-furnish the particulars of my hirer . It regarding the ERP Charges.

  7. im trying to get my goovi fixed but the help desk wants a credit number. im uncomfortable giving it out i shouldnt have to pay for a warranty replacement
    your phone number doesnt work
