GoPro Error Codes


Error Code Recommended Action
101 Unplug, power off, and try again.
102 Unplug, power off, and try again.
103 Unplug, power off, and try again.
104 Unplug, power off, and try again.
105 Unplug, power off, and try again.
106 Unplug, power off, and try again.
107 Do a Factory Reset, then set up Auto Upload again on the GoPro Quik.
10B Unplug, power off, and try again.
10D is not reachable. Reboot and try again. If this fails check wireless connection and try again.
40A Reboot camera and Try again.
40B Check network, Reboot camera and Try again.
40D Check network, unplug and replug to power, and Try again.
40E Format SD card in computer (save files from card first), reboot and try again.
112 server is unavailable.  User should try later.
301 Unplug, power off, and try again.
302 Unplug, power off, and try again.
303 Unplug, power off, and try again.
304 Unplug, power off, and try again.
305 Unplug, power off, and try again.
306 Unplug, power off, and try again.
307 Unplug, power off, and try again.
308 Unplug, power off, and try again.
309 Unplug, power off, and try again.
310 SD Card No new media.
312 Pull out and reinsert SD card, and try again.
313 Check Wi-Fi Connection and try again.
314 Check your subscription account status. If subscription is active and it still fails, contact GoPro Support.
315 Factory reset.
316 Remove data from SD card.
30D Check wireless connection.  Place the camera closer to the access point.  Then retry.
30E Pull out and reinsert SD card, and try again.
401 Unplug and plug it back in.
402 Unplug and plug it back in.
403 Unplug and plug it back in.
404 Reboot and Try again.
405 Reboot and Try again.
406 Reboot and Try again.
409 Reboot the camera, wait 15 minutes, and Try again.
411 Reboot and try again. If it happens again, contact GoPro Support.
413 Reboot and Try again.
414 Check the WiFi Connection and Try again.
40A Reboot the camera and Try again.
40B Check the network, Reboot the camera, and Try again.
40D Check the network, Reboot the camera, and Try again.
40E Format SD card in computer (save files from card first) and try again.
41A Contact GoPro Support. – Account issue.
41B Wait 15 minutes and try again
41D Reboot and try again. If it happens again, contact GoPro Support.
41E Reboot and try again. If it happens again, contact GoPro Support.
501 Format the SD card in the computer (save files from the card first) and try again.
502 Reboot and try again.
503 Delete some media (save your media first) until there is 3GB available.
504 Reboot and try again.
5FF Reboot and try again.
601 Unplug, power off, and try again.
602 Unplug, power off, and try again.
603 Unplug, power off, and try again.


Error Code 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 10B:
Cause: General connection issue.
Solution: Unplug the camera, power it off, wait a moment, and then try again.

Error Code 10D:
Cause: server not reachable or wireless connection issue.
Solution: Reboot the camera. If the issue persists, check your wireless connection and try again.

Error Code 40A:
Cause: Network connectivity issue.
Solution: Reboot the camera and attempt the action again.

Error Code 40B:
Cause: Network connectivity issue.
Solution: Check your network connection, reboot the camera, and try the action again.

Error Code 40D:
Cause: Network connectivity issue.
Solution: Check your network connection, unplug and replug the camera to power, then try again.

Error Code 40E:
Cause: SD card issue or corruption.
Solution: Format the SD card on a computer (after saving files), reboot the camera, and try again.

Error Code 112:
Cause: server is temporarily unavailable.
Solution: Wait and try the action again later.

Error Code 301-310:
Cause: General camera error.
Solution: Unplug the camera, power it off, wait a moment, and then try again.

Error Code 312:
Cause: SD card not properly recognized.
Solution: Remove and reinsert the SD card, then try again.

Error Code 313:
Cause: Wi-Fi connection issue.
Solution: Check your Wi-Fi connection and try the action again.

Error Code 314:
Cause: Subscription or account issue.
Solution: Check your subscription status. If active and still failing, contact GoPro Support.

Error Code 315:
Cause: System or settings issue.
Solution: Perform a factory reset on the camera.

Error Code 316:
Cause: SD card issue or full storage.
Solution: Remove unnecessary data from the SD card and try again.

Error Code 30D:
Cause: Weak wireless connection.
Solution: Improve wireless signal strength or move the camera closer to the access point.

Error Code 30E:
Cause: SD card not properly recognized.
Solution: Remove and reinsert the SD card, then try again.

Error Code 401-403:
Cause: General camera error.
Solution: Unplug the camera, then plug it back in, and try again.

Error Code 404-406:
Cause: General camera error.
Solution: Reboot the camera and try the action again.

Error Code 409:
Cause: The camera needs time to recover.
Solution: Reboot the camera and wait 15 minutes before trying again.

Error Code 411, 41D, 41E:
Cause: Persistent error.
Solution: Reboot the camera and try again. If the issue continues, contact GoPro Support.

Error Code 41A:
Cause: Account-related issue.
Solution: Contact GoPro Support to resolve the account issue.

Error Code 41B:
Cause: Temporary issue.
Solution: Wait 15 minutes and try again.

Error Code 501:
Cause: SD card issue or corruption.
Solution: Format the SD card on a computer (after saving files), then try again.

Error Code 502:
Cause: General camera error.
Solution: Reboot the camera and try the action again.

Error Code 503:
Cause: Insufficient storage space.
Solution: Delete some media files to free up at least 3GB of space.

Error Code 504:
Cause: General camera error.
Solution: Reboot the camera and try the action again.

Error Code 5FF:
Cause: General camera error.
Solution: Reboot the camera and try the action again.

Error Code 601-603:
Cause: General connection issue.
Solution: Unplug the camera, power it off, wait a moment, and then try again.

In addition to these common error codes, there may be other error codes specific to your GoPro model. You can find a list of these error codes in your GoPro’s owner’s manual.

If you see an error code on your GoPro, you can try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check the SD card. Make sure that the SD card is inserted properly and that it is formatted correctly.
  2. Restart the camera. Hold down the power button for 10 seconds to restart the camera.
  3. Update the firmware. Check for the latest firmware update and install it on your camera.
  4. Contact GoPro support. If you have tried all of the above and the error code is still appearing, you may need to contact GoPro support for assistance.