Dave App Customer service phone number


Contact Dave App: Find below the best ways to contact Dave App customer service Executives, including Dave App Customer Service phone Number, Support Email Address. Besides contact details, the page provides a brief overview of the company and its services.

Dave App Customer service phone number


Dave App Customer Service Contact Details

Below Listed all Dave App contact details Like Customer Service numbers, Support email ID, Chat links and office Address are collected from Dave App’s Official Website.


Dave App 


Customer Service Number

Email Support

Official Website:

Support/Complaint Online Link

 Office Address


What is a Dave App app?

Dave is the finance version of David vs. Goliath. Three friends were fed up with their banking experience, often incurring $38 overdraft fees and never having insights into how much money was left before payday.

With customer loyalty at big banks at an all time low, they figured building the next great financial institution, one that could service 99% of Americans, not just the 1%, was the right idea for the times.

Instead of building a bank right away, they started with solving for simple pain points like overdraft protection and automated budgeting to amass millions of loyal members.

Today, Dave has reinvented many other areas of finance, from no-interest cash advances, income creation, un-bounceable checks and more to truly take on goliath.

 What is Dave App customer service number?

Dave App’s customer service phone number is 1-844-857-3283, and that number is live 24 hours a day, seven days a week

What is Dave App customer service Email Address?

The most frequently used Dave App support method is email. If your complaint isn’t time-sensitive and can wait a few hours (although it’s usually less than this), you should definitely consider sending a complaint email to support@dave.com.

How do I contact Dave App via Twitter?

Visit the official Dave App Twitter support page twitter.com/

Dave App Twitter support team will provide 24×7 Twitter support for all your Dave App related queries.

or just tweets with @

You can also get help from Dave App’s Official Social Media Page.
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/TheDaveApp/
:  https://twitter.com/davebanking
:  https://www.instagram.com/thedaveapp/

Dave App Official App /API  Downloading Links

Link :
For Android :
For IOS :


【✔】 List of Verified/reliable sources & Reference Links:

  1. https://dave.com/
  2. https://support.dave.com/hc/en-us

Dave App customer service Faq


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1 thought on “Dave App Customer service phone number”

  1. You refused to open an account for me and yet your taking 3 months worth of “service fees” out of my bank account!!
    I want my money back!!
