Bank Of America Edd


Contact Bank Of America Edd : Find below customer service details of Bank Of America Edd, including Customer Service phone and email. Besides contact details, the page provides a brief overview of the company and its services.

About Bank Of America Edd


Bank Of America Edd Customer Service Contact Details

Bank Of America Edd 


Customer Service Number: 

Email Support: 

Official Website:

Support/Complaint Online:

Twitter support page:
Get Support on Facebook:

 Postal Address

If you are interested in more Bank Of America Edd customer service Details, simply check out the links below:

EDD Debit Card – EDd –

If you need more help, you can speak with a Bank of America Customer Service representative 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling one of the following phone numbers:

  • Within the United States: 1-866-692-9374
  • Outside of the United States: 1-423-262-1650 (Collect)
  • TTY: 1-866-656-5913

EDD Debit Card – Contact Us – Bank of America

Telephone: Bank of America EDD Debit Card Cardholder Services … comments. Please include your name, full address and last 10 digits of your card number.

FAQs – EDD Debit Card –

To have a replacement card mailed to you, you must contact the Bank of America EDD Debit Card customer service by calling: 1-866-692-9374 (voice)


Bank Of America Edd Customer Service FAQ


Categories USA

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2 thoughts on “Bank Of America Edd”

  1. $1200 has been fraudulently withdrawn from my B of A EDD debit account. This might not have been a surprise as I had spent several hours on the phone with B of A days before because I was locked out of the account online (an issue that was never resolved). B of A’s response was to file a claim that will take up to 90 days to reach a “decision”. When reminded that the monies in the account are unemployment funds and that I am currently unemployed, the customer service rep suggested that I have a good rest of my day.

    It has been reported that B of A does not want to process EDD cards any longer. Is this type of behavior your way of getting your contract with EDD terminated? Shouldn’t a claim for someone living off from unemployment be treated with a slightly faster sense of urgency?
